Sunday, March 16, 2008

Awesome weekend

It has been a great weekend! First Irma and I spent together most of the time and watched two good movies: August Rush and No Reservations. I think August Rush was better but both were about the same things, feeling abandoned in life and finding acceptance later. It all takes time. Thankfully I was never abandoned in life but I still have those feelings like I will loose my parents someday, but of course everyone goes through that feeling. I'm gaining my independence by living on my own, earning my own expenses as a 20 something year old should do by now! So it feels really fulfilling.

Today I had a long day of worship! First it started with worship at the Boston site. It was good to come together as a choir and a community, thats what it is all about, worshiping Jesus as a group and give it all to God. So that was good, I could feel the Spirit touch down n us.

Then we all headed back to the Cambridge Site, caught a little of the second service and got some more worship in and then had lunch -- pizza! yay! I take pleasure in simple things though I did have four slices, whoops!

Then we had rehearsal until 345ish. We have a concert Thursday. Its cool because some of the worship leaders are singing so we are a bigger choir, it makes sense since there are loud instruments so we want more sound.

So right now I'm pretty pooped, its a good thing I have tomorrow off to recover! I think I'm seeing my mom in the afternoon/evening. Then Tuesday its back to work and Irma is starting in my job and my boss should be back, should account for an interesting week. I'm looking forward to the concert though.

God is good, and I am very happy, just very tired :)

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