Monday, October 8, 2007


There is something peaceful about the rain tapping on the roof and that is all you hear. I'm so used to hearing sirens or dogs barking or honking. But none of that here. It is almost hard to get used to. Last night I slept from 12am-8am. That was so nice. I haven't been this relaxed in a long time. Its nice to just enjoy the last bits of vacation before a busy week ahead.

Tomorrow I have a "leveling" meeting. Its with my two teachers, boss, her boss and me. We have to see where kids are in the classroom and then its my job to call them based on what we level them by. Though its not a classifying thing. Its just to see if they need more services.

Mom and I were talking last night how unbalanced this world is. How there are so many poor people and then there are these people who have so much. I believe it is because of greed, our selfish nature that doesn't want to let go of material items and to not help others. I know I am a part of this but I am trying to change. I see poor every day in my job and I want to change the world. Though I know I can't do it alone. God has to take over our human wants and desires.

So back to the rain, even when our lives are stressful, listening to the rain patter outside makes me think, God is in this. God is everywhere, even when we don't understand a situation or let Him in. It puts me in a place of gratefulness and peace of my life.


Karen said...

I really like this line you wrote: "...even when our lives are stressful, listening to the rain patter outside makes me think, God is in this."

Whoa. What an excellent reminder.

Meghan's Blog said...

hey karen, where are you these days? please let me know i miss you!!